The Bugatti Trust

University of Bath Engineering students at the Bugatti Trust

Final year engineering students from the University of Bath joined members of the Bugatti Trust at its Annual General Meeting on 22nd February. They brought the single-seat racing car built for the 2014 Formula Student Competition and gave a thoroughly professional and interesting presentation of their work. They are currently designing and building the 2015 car which will be launched at the University on 27th May. They will then compete with it in the competition that takes place from 9th -12th July 2015 at the Silverstone Circuit.

team members3Formula Student is Europe’s most established educational motorsport competition and is run by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Backed by industry and high profile engineers such as Ross Brawn OBE it attracts upwards of 100 University teams from across the globe.

Formula Student is a high-performance engineering project that is extremely valued by universities and industry. It usually forms part of a degree-level project and is the kite-mark for real-world engineering experience.

The mission is to excite and encourage young people to take up a career in engineering. It seeks to challenge university students to conceive, design, build, cost, present and compete as a team with a small single-seat racing car in a series of static and dynamic competitions. The format of the event is such that it provides an ideal opportunity for the students to demonstrate and improve their capabilities to deliver a complex and integrated product in the demanding environment of a motorsport competition.

The Bugatti Trust whose charitable objects are to encourage young engineers and designers has been pleased to support the University of Bath’s Formula Student programme for a number of years.

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