As an independent charity we receive no regular or public body funding. However, we incur annual operating costs of over £125,000.
If you would like to support us with our mission to preserve and make available for study the works of Ettore Bugatti, then there are various support channels available:
Become a Member
Membership of The Bugatti Trust may be acquired through donation. If you would like to join please download and print the application form by clicking on the Membership Application link below, or contact Sue Shaw here.
Other Ways to Donate to Us
We are extremely grateful to accept donations of any amount by cash, cheque (payable to The Bugatti Trust) or electronic funds transfer. For electronic transfers, please contact the Trust for bank details.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer and wish to Gift Aid your subscription or donation to the Trust, we are able to reclaim from the Government additional tax on that donation/sub at 25p in the pound.
If you are a higher rate UK taxpayer, you can claim personal tax relief on these donations.
Please download the Gift Aid Declaration form by clicking the link below:
American Friends of the Bugatti Trust
US residents may be interested to look at this Click here for AMFBT
Making a will is essential if you want your wishes to be carried out after you die. It is also an opportunity to leave behind a gift to those causes about which you are most passionate, which is not always possible during your lifetime.
Should you wish to leave a legacy to The Bugatti Trust, please ensure that your solicitor uses the Trust’s correct details in your will, ie: Bugatti Molsheim Ltd, a charity registered in England and Wales no 298099, registered office Prescott Hill, Gotherington, Cheltenham Glos GL52 9RD.